Spinal Health & Wellness

Visiting the chiropractor isn't just for those experiencing back pain. For many years, chiropractic care was mainly reserved for those who were dealing with pain issues. Today, you can still find pain relief through these services. However, more and more people are discovering the many health benefits of regular visits. Keep reading to find out how visiting the chiropractic team at Lynch Chiropractic Center, serving Lexington KY can help you get and stay healthy. 


Spinal Health Issues

Many of the disorders which affect the back and cause pain or reduced mobility are preventable. Today, mainstream medicine is focused heavily on alleviating symptoms once a problem has started, rather than educating people on how to prevent spinal issues in the first place. 

Spinal health and wellness always start with proper spinal alignment. When the spine is properly aligned it has positive health benefits for every part of the body and nervous system. Proper alignment also relieves tension on the surrounding muscles and joints. The spine can come out of alignment through injury or even just everyday life. Certain lifestyle behaviors can also affect the spine as well.  Spinal health can also be affected by weight gain and activities. 

How Can Our Chiropractor Help?

Chiropractic care is focused on holistic healing and preventative care. Waiting until you have developed back issues is not the best way to safeguard your spinal health. A chiropractor can start preventive care treatments early on so that you can maintain your spinal health for years to come. 

One of the first ways a chiropractor helps is by performing spinal adjustments. A spinal adjustment is a treatment that uses strategically placed pressure along the spinal column. This pressure is used to move the spinal column back into proper alignment. In addition to spinal adjustment, many other forms of therapy available can increase and maintain your spinal health. These therapies can include massage therapy, hot/cold therapy for pain relief, and lifestyle counseling to help patients make better health choices. 

What to Expect

When you first visit the chiropractor, you will be evaluated for your overall health. Your medical history will also be reviewed. If you are having current pain issues, diagnostics will be performed to pinpoint the cause of the pain and a treatment plan will be developed to assist with holistic healing.  If you are not experiencing pain, then your chiropractor will develop a preventive health treatment plan for you. 

Contact Our Chiropractor in Lexington Today

If you would like to learn more about our services, please contact Lynch Chiropractic Center in Lexington, KY today at (859) 266-1999
