Exercise Rehabilitation FAQs

Exercise Rehabilitation FAQs

Are You Committed to Complete Rehabilitation?

When you suffer an injury, whether it's sustained through day-to-day life, sports or a sudden traumatic even like a car accident, it's important to start mitigating the resulting pain and stiffness as soon as it's safe to do so. If your vertebrae - the core of your back's strength and stability - become misaligned as a result of that injury, your entire body balance and structure may be degrading over time. Muscles and surrounding soft tissues take a hit as well, and without care and mitigation, the actual injury itself may take a backseat to the discomfort of your body. Rehabilitation - a series of exercises, stretches and care typically administered by a physical therapist and designed to help injury pain and weakness - is only one part of the path to renewal. Chiropractic care from Dr. Lynch and his dedicated team help move you the rest of the way towards the goal of flexibility and comfort. 

How Can I Use Chiropractic Care During Rehabilitation?

When you visit our office, Dr. Lynch and his associates help your body achieve the proper alignment - a vital step to building muscle and stretching tight joints without causing further aggravation of an injury. On your road to recovery, each session of physical rehab should be as beneficial as possible in order to achieve efficient progress. That's why we recommend scheduling your physical therapy and rehabilitation appointments on the same days as your chiropractic appointments at our office. Your body will get the health-focused treatment it deserves to ensure both movement towards your "old self" in terms of comfort and flexibility when you visit us and safe, effective exercises and treatments intended specifically for your type of injury at your rehabilitation specialists' office.

As your chiropractor, consider Dr. Lynch a member of "Team You" as you work towards recovery - when you book an appointment at our Lexington, Kentucky chiropractor's office, our ultimate goal is to see you stand straighter and feel better - inside and out. We treat each patient like family, and from the warm welcome when you enter to the relief you feel once your adjustment is completed, the time you spend with us makes your rehabilitation journey that much easier to travel. 

Is Chiropractic Care Safe During Rehabilitation?

As someone coping with an injury, it's completely natural to be cautious about the treatments you pursue during rehabilitation. The answer is yes: chiropractic care is a safe, gentle way to help your body stay in alignment throughout your life - and in prime condition for rehabilitation work after an injury. Our office is happy to discuss your treatment plan with your physical therapist, and alter your course plan as needed to accommodate changes and improvements in your condition. If you ever have any questions or concerns about your chiropractic care, our Lexington, Kentucky chiropractor's office is happy to offer all the explanations and demonstrations you need to put your mind at ease. 

If it's time you got "back" your old self and eliminated pain and discomfort from an injury, we invite you to call our Lexington, KY chiropractor office at (859) 266-1999 talk to one of our dedicated team members and schedule your first rehab-supporting appointment. 
